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Our History

We started as a simple volunteer group in 2006 but have since grown into a full-fledged non-for-profit that is capable of taking on the biggest challenges we face in the healthcare field. Here’s a quick look at how we got to where we are today.

Surya Foundation is an Indian Non-Governmental Organization registered under Society Act that has been carrying forward its mission since 2006 under the able guidance of Dr. B. P. Singh (MD (Pulmonary Medicine), FCCP (USA)).

According to National Health Profile 2018 published by Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI), India accounts for a relatively large share of the world’s disease burden due to communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases. Our mission is to help our people overcome this threat.

about surya foundation

We believe that unblocking India’s socio-economic potential is crucial for the country’s growth and development. This is why we at Surya Foundation aim to develop innovative, high impact solutions and initiatives that make a difference by addressing some of India’s prevalent issues in the field of healthcare.

Each social initiative nurtured by Surya Foundation addresses the focus areas which is healthcare.

We collaborate with partners including both government as well as many private institutions, who we believe, will help us nurture projects that are scalable, to ensure long-term impact at the grassroots level. All the activities carried out are strongly reflective of our core values:

Knowledge, Action, Care & Impact

Our Mission

We have plenty of causes, missions and goals we hope to achieve. Watch the video to learn more.

Get Involved

Now that you know about us, we want to get to know you. Find out how you can get involved with our work today!

Join A Cause

Join A Cause

We’re involved with everything healthcare. Visit our events calendar to see what we have done till now and what’s coming up, or let us know of any other events we should add to our list.



With so many great causes to support we have a lot of office work to boot. If you want to help with event organization, community service and more join our team.

Make A Donation

Make A Donation

If you’re as passionate about healthcare as we are but you don’t have the time to attend one of our events you can still make a difference with a monetary donation.

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